Korat Breed Seminar and special Show

The Korat Breed council in cooperation with Felis Belgica organizes a FIFe Breed Seminar for Student Judges and Judges on next March 6, 2015 in Tienen, Belgium.
The lecturing Judge will be Int. FIFe Judge, Mrs. Anna Wilczek (PL).
On the same day, a Chartreux Breed Seminar will also take place in the same venue.
On Saturday 7th of March, two special shows are planned for both Korats and Chartreuse.
If you are intested in participating to the Breed Seminar, please notify Felis Belgica at the following email address: seminar@felisbelgica.be
More info about the seminars and the show can be found on Felis Belgica website.