The Breed Council Members - 2015
The Korat family is a great family! The breeders are very much united with the only aim to protect and promote the breed...
We are not a huge community in numbers but very motivated and active. The pictures above, is from a Korat "Breed Best in Show" event of some years ago when breeders from many countries (including Austrialia!) got together and showed more than 50 Korats!
It was in Turku, Finland, in 2012.
Here below the list of present members of the FIFe Korat BC. We are a lucky BC! Our group is made up of breeders from 8 FIFe countries!
But there is always room for more members! Just visit the Rules page and send out your application!
By becoming member of the BC, you can actively contribute to the development, protection and promotion of our beloved Korats!

Mrs. Donatella Mastrangelo IT/SK - BC Secretary
Cattery Name: JADEYE, IT
Email: email @ jadeye.it
Web: www.jadeye.it
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jadeye-Korats/100644466673808
I got my very first Korats in 1993. They came from Norway and, unfortuntaly, the start of my breeding was not the most lucky one... But anyway, since then, I'm a total slave to the breed!
I'm an Int. FIFe All Breed Judge and live and work in Rome, Italy. At the moment I have only two retired Korats at home, Jadeye Caput Mundi and Jenanca Justn' Time which have been my lasti breeding couple and very successful at shows. Unfortunately, my judging activity doesn't allow me to breed any longer.
But I'm still very much connected to the Koratworld in one way or the other...
I have been BC Secretary for the first 6 years since 2003 and now I'm in charge again, till 2018.

Mr. Bernd Pollesche, DE
Cattery Name: KOBALT, DE
Email:bpolesche @ acor.de
Web: www.korats.de
In 1998 I wanted to get a Russian Blue. I bought several cat books and really liked one of the cats who was called "Aerostar Spectre". At a closer look it turned out that she was a Korat and not a Russian Blue as both breeds were pictured in the same book on a double page. It was a very lucky coincidence that one of Germany's pioneer breeders (Elisabeth Weber von Rominten) lived only 50 kilometres from my place. In 1999 I got my first Korat (Nongsao von Baan Thai) from another German breeder who wanted a female from his litter to go into breeding because she had a new bloodline.

Mrs. Ewelina Rybak, PL
Cattery Name: SEZERP, PL
Email: info @ koraty.eu
Web: www.koraty.eu
My adventure with cats started in 2009 when I found litter in our garage. One kitten was blue and this why I fell in love with blue cats. I found korats in Internet and I was sure, that this is it! In August 2011 I bring 2 korat ladies to Poland - Dongalas Glitne and Dongalas Gjevjon... And our history is began...

Mrs. Sari Peltonen, FI
Cattery Name: HOVIKISSAN, FI
Email: hovikissan @ gmail.com
Web: www.elisanet.fi/hovikissan/
I started with Europeans with cattery name FI* Hovikissan 1989, but as soon as I saw the first 2 korats in Finland, I wanted to have one myself. CusCus (N* Dongalas Friscus) moved to Finland in autumn 1990 to be the foundation male. With him we made quite a progress in breeding from 14 korats to 30.
The first Hovikissan korat litter was born 22 May 1991.
Between 1994 and 2005 I had a "small" break in shows and breeding.
I started all over again with Alma (SW, SP, SC, Seirene Amarindra DM, DVM, DSM) and with her babies.
I have also Burmese (1 male and 2 females).

Mrs. Friederike Brinsch, DE/DK
Cattery Name: MEEJAI, DK
Email: tfbrinsch @ t-online.de
Web: www.korat-cats.com/meejai-korats.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Meejai.korats
My love for the silverblue luckycat from Thailand started early in childhood, but as I did not realise they already had captured the West since the 60th, I only got owned by them rather late. I found them by mere coincidence when searching for a kitten for my traditional Siamese boys in 2000.
Pure happiness, having found them this “close” to my home, outside from Thailand, got doubled by the fact, that Korats only get bred for preservation. Well knowing this ancient breed is more than rare even in its country of origin, with close friendships to Thailand and Thai breeders,I will concentrate on introducing new koratlines to Europe and building a bridge from East to West in the effort of preserving this precious native breed.

Mrs. Karin Dessne, SE

Mrs. Camilla Baird, DK
Cattery Name: PRIMPRAU'S, DK
Email: dkkorat @ yahoo.dk
Web: www.korat.dk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PrimprausKorats?ref=ts&fref=ts
My first Korat moved in in 1992.
In 1991, Victor (blacksmoke w/white HCS) stole my heart. He didn't like shows, so my search started. KOR fulfilled my quest for a beautiful shorthaired cat not selected for extreme type. My quest led me to Elfi Kleive, Pimai Korats, in Norway. Many lucky (for me) events later, GIC Sawat's Kirilin moved in and became the foundation queen in Primprau's Korats. A lot of confidence and trust was shown me, so Elfi Kleive's US import stud, EP IC Yang Chen Ma Hoo Who's DM DSM, sired the first Primprau's litter. 4 beautiful girls - the most famous being EC EP WW99 WW00 Primprau's Meo Hao, owned and shown very succesfully by Donatella Mastrangelo, Jadeye Korats.
I have been hooked to the Korat family ever since and will hopefully continue to be so many years to come.

Mrs. Josiane Massart, FR
Cattery Name: DE SENGUINET, FR
Email: josiane.massart @ orange.fr
Web: https://sites.google.com/site/catteryofkoratsofsenguinet/home
I began Korat breeding in 2008. "De Senguinet" is the name of my cattery. With the help od Donatella and Outi, I got my first stud in 2009 from Virpi Mäkelä. Now, I have 3 females and 2 studs and 2 litters on average per year. I'm member of the KBC since 2011 and chairman of AFEK, the only Korat breed club of FFF the French member of FIFe.

Mrs. Milla Talja, FI
Cattery Name: MYTHAI, FI
Email: talja.milla @ gmail.com
In the late 90's I decided to get a friend to my house cat Iines. Because I was interested in breeding and showing, I started to look for a pure breed cat. Last decision was between a Korat and a Burmese, and after visiting Finnish Korat Cat Association's demonstration cat show, I was really waiting for a Korat kitten.
My first Korat lady Nysse, EC & EP Poison's Fujin Gin Maihime, moved to me 1997 from Outi Niemi’s cattery, and she became the foundation queen of FI*Mythai cattery. Since then I have bred 31 litters and been in so many cat shows, that I can't count... Nowadays I have 5 Korats at my home in Helsinki and some breeding cats living elsewhere. And the story goes on.

Mrs. Pälvi Niemi, FI
Cattery Name: KATTIOVIN, FI
Email: palvi.niemi @ kotikone.fi
My breeding started with europeans. I got with help of Elfi Kleive my first korat from Norway 1987, EC&IP Nin Lili and second from England 1988 EC Rataekora Lisu. I worked with korats for 10 years and then had 10 years pause. Now I have two lovely girls to continue work with korats. I am foundation member of Korat Cat assosiation in Finland.

Mrs. Anne Frostander, SE
Cattery Name AMIXAM'S, SE
Email:anne.frostander @ gmail.com
Web: www.amixams.se
Facebook: SE*Amixam's
My first contact with a Korat cat was when my doughter asked for an black kitten, then we meet our first Korat. So with a lot of luck for me and our family S*Sweet Chili's Carrera come to us and our new life began with Korats.

Mrs. Katka Horáčková, CZ
Cattery Name: ZE SVOBODY, CZ
Email: horackova @ magistraliter.cz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zesvobody
I have been living with cats whole my life. First we had always some rescued cat that was found at the street, then Somalis for many years. My Korat story started after 5-years-episode without cats. I have brought a sweet lady Daenerys Sezerp*PL to the Czech Republic. My cattery had 10 Somali litters in its history and renewed with Korats.
Cattery Name: Mästertassen, SE
Email: kontakt @ mastertassen.se
Web: www.mastertassen.se
I have lived with Korats since 1987. For a long time they were only two, Miraya and Snurre. In 2005 a sweet darling girl, Solana, came to live with me and my husband. I had promised to breed kittens from her. My pedigree name, S*Mästertassen means Masterpaw. Of course, it is the Korats who are the Masterpaws. My first kittens (Solana’s) were born in 2007. In 2009 our girl Louwin moved to us from the UK. We have bred a few litters with Minoe and Louwin as fantastic mothers, but the whole pride of Korats always help when kittens need to be raised. In 2015 our sweet Nadee, Louwin’s daughter, became National Winner in Sweden and Louwin was best neuter female. Korats are extremely social, intelligent and in need of much attention and love, and I cannot imagine my life without them!