Documents and useful files to learn more about the Korat
Here we publish a list of useful documents that have been edited during the years and that will certainly help to better understand the Korat breed. Some of these documents have been prepared on occasion of Breed Seminars and distributed to Student Judges and Judges. Here included also some articles about the breed, published during the years on various magazines, books, etc. from different countries.
Korat Breed Seminar 1990, Borås, NO - pdf file
FIFe Breed Seminar 2011 (Haderslev, DK - 18/06/2011) - pdf file
FIFe Breed Seminar 2012 (Turku, FI - 25/11/2012) - pdf file
FIFe Breed Seminar 2015 (Tienen, BE - 6/03/2015) - pdf file
The blue breeds - article about the differences among Korat, Russian Blue and Chartreux. - pdf file
The Korat - article published on KOT magazine (PL) - pdf file
Korats and Thais - article from "our cats" (UK magazine) - pdf file pag 1, pag 2
Useful Links
FIFe - Federation International Feline
Korat Club Association of Finland
Korat FAQ page - from Dennis Ganoe (CFA AB Judge)