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Welcome to the Korat/BC

Frequently Asked Questions page


Very often we are aproached by people that have very interesting requests and questions.
Here we publish a list of FAQs that we hope will contribute to at least answer a few of those requests.
This page may be updated every now and then with more FAQs as they come to us. 
In any case, if you want to keep in touch and ask more to the Breed Council, please visit the "contact" page. 
Thanks for your cooperation!


I found a blue kitty, can it be a Korat?


This is really the most frequent question we get :)
Unfortunately we have to answer that "not all blue (gray) cats are Korats... and to be even more correct, not all blue (gray) cats are Chartreux or Russian Blue.

The possibility to "find" a Korat in a shelter or roaming free in the street is really very small. Of course there may be exceptions, but as far as we know, this never happens.

The blue colour is very commont in cats and it is very frequent to find blue stray cats around. But a cat belongs to a certain breed only if there are papers (read pedigrees) that can prove it.

In addition to this, a Korat also has to satisfy another very important requirement: it must be able to show that its anchestors come from Thailand. Only a pedigree cand assure this and nothing else.

This means that if you have or if you find a blue kitty, it will be certainly the most beautiful kitten of the world and totally worth the love you can give it, but if this kitten is without pedigree you cannot say that it belongs to a Korat or to any other breed.

The pedigree is the most important document of a cat. It contains information about the genetics and the anchestors and summarize the whole work breeders have done for many years to be able to have a cat of certain characteristics. Therefore if you want to buy a Korat cat, don't go to a pet shop and always ask a breeder and you can be sure you'll get a pedigreed cat originating from Thailand.


Is the Korat related to the Russian Blue or the Chartreux?


No. The Korat is not at all related to either the Chartreux or the Russian Blue. Its motherland is Thailand and it belongs to a group of old Thai cats which also includes the Siamese and the Burmese. The Chartreux originates in Europe and the Russian Blue in Russia as the name suggests. Also phenotipically they only have the coat colour in common. There are quite many differences in the standard among these breeds. If you want to learn more about these differences, we suggest you to read the article that you will find HERE.


Where can I find a list of Korat breeders?


There are various lists of breeders on the web, depending from the country mostly.

The most comprehensive website that gives information on Korat breeders is Koratworld that lists of breeders from all countries where Korats are bred. But there are also other websites that are useful as well, mostly of Breed clubs in Scandinavia, Finland, France and other countries:

Scandinavian Korat Ringen

Korat club of Finland



Where can I find info on other Breeds Breed Councils?


All relevant Breed Councils' information can be found on the FIFe website at this address:


What is the role of the Breed Councils in FIFe?


Breed Councils provide a voice for individuals with an interest in a breed, and some experience of working with it, within the FIFe structure. Breed Councils are represented at the General Assembly by the Breed Council Administrator who will present the opinions provided by the individual breed councils on the relevant proposals.

Every breed acknowledged by FIFe may have a Breed Council. All that is needed is one person to initiate the process and someone willing to act as the Secretary so that a chain of communication can be created between the General Assembly, the Board, the Commissions and the individual. Once the Breed Council is set up, it should actively seek new members from within its breed group across the organisation so that it will achieve the ultimate goal of being able to forward proposals to the General Assembly in accordance with the Rules.

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